Carbohydrates are an important type of FOOD MACRO MOLECULES.
Food macro molecules refers to the small chemical sub units of molecules which are found in food. There are four major food macro molecules, they are carbohydrates, proteins. lipids and nucleic acids.
Carbohydrate is an important source of fuel for the biological system.
The five main characteristics are foot region, hard exoskeleton, bilateral symmetry, left and right limbs and a segmented body.
The love found in the area is the frontal lobe
Meiosis is a form of cell division that occurs in the sex cells of organisms. It ensures the reduction of a diploid cell to an haploid cell to allow for the formation of a diploid zygote after fertilization (contribution of both parents haploid sex cells to give a diploid zygote). Thus, this process is very essential and important.
The reduction is accomplished by 2 divisions after the duplication of chromosomes
- first division: separation of homologous pairs of chromosomes (this reduces the total in half)
- second division: separation of sister chromatids of a chromosome.
The rearrangement in meiosis occurs by crossing over/genetic recombination.
This is the exchange of genetic material between homologous pairs of chromosome bringing about a rearrangement and genetic variation
An example of a chromosomal abnormality that arises as a result of defects in this process is the Down Syndrome which is caused by a nondisjunction of the chromosomes 21 pair in a sex cell.
This condition produces offsprings that have some characteristic facial features, short stature etc