Only a validly ordained priest can validly consecrate the Eucharist. As stated in Canon Law, "The ordinary minister of holy communion is a bishop, presbyter, or deacon." and "The extraordinary minister of holy communion is an acolyte or another member of the Christian faithful designated according to the norm of ⇒ can.
A longitudinal study that followed 1200 older adults in their transition from independent living to age-restricted housing in 1995 found that those older adults who transitioned to more expensive communities fared THE BEST with regard to physical health and overall life satisfaction and those who transitioned to government subsidized housing programs fared THE WORSE.
More expensive age restricted communities offer services that can enhance quality of life for the elderly. They are cared for by professionals, their every needs are met, they can have a thriving social life, they are protected, they are independent and they can enjoy their lives while being in a safe environment. Therefore they fare the best.
Government subsidized housing programs for the elderly do not offer anywhere near the quality of care and services as the expensive ones. There is little money and resources put into these programs and the level of care is far less making the quality of life for the residents poorer. Therefore they fare the worse.
Treaty of Fort Laramie Two years after the Treaty of Fort Laramie, several southern Plains nations signed a treaty at (this place) in Nebraska.
<span>According to Darwin's theory of evolution, which organisms are BEST able to survive in nature are </span>organisms that possess overall characteristics best suited to their environment.
Congo River
The Congo River is the most powerful river in Africa. During the rainy season over 50,000 cubic metres (1,800,000 cu ft) of water per second flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
Africa's Nile River is the longest river in the world at 4,135 miles, or 6,650 km long.) That makes the Congo River the ninth-longest in the world.
The Congo Rain Forest is located in central Africa. Spans approximately 1.5 million square miles. World's second largest rain forest. One of the most endangered ecosystems in the world due to commercial logging and expansion of farming.
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