Generality is a term in behavioral psychology, that describes the functional relationships attained in one situation, which is used to predict the obtained relationship in a current or different situation.
In other words, it is the belief that the outcomes of experiments involving schedules of reinforcement, administered on non-human subjects can be generalized and be applicable to humans.
Hence, a science of behavior contributes to a useful technology of behavior change, to the extent that it discovers functional relations with GENERALITY across individuals.
About 15 million people or 0.9% of the population
<u>Society is seen as a complete living body in Durkheim's functionalist </u>way of thought. As such, even the unwanted waste parts of a living organism are extremely important to overall function of the society and it simply cannot do away with them.
<u>In functionalism the sum of all the constituents of the society are greater than its singular part</u>s.
Thus, the overall cohesion of society is held together by unwanted elements in the society too.
The cause is when North Korea, supported by the Soviet Union and China, invaded South Korea