Interest groups are groups formed by citizens in order to influence public opinion and policy. They are common in most democratic systems, including that of the United States. These groups often employ methods such as lobbying, media campaigns, polls and propaganda in order to achieve their goals.
An example of such a group is the Christian Coalition, which promotes traditional, conservative Christian values. Another example is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which fights for equal rights for African Americans. These groups are similar in that they both want to influence public policy, but they are different in their goals, their methods and their level of influence.
When Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii assumed the throne in 1891 and tried to reassert her sovereignty in the face of increasing foreign interference, she was deposed by a small group of American businessmen, with the support of the American diplomats and the U.S. Navy. On July 7, 1898, the Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States by a joint resolution of Congress. Shown here is her letter of protest to the U.S. House of Representatives, dated December 19, 1898.
The most obvious way was through open rebellion. In 73-71 BC the gladiator Spartacus famously led an uprising of thousands of slaves in central Italy, formed an army that defeated several Roman legions, and at one point threatened Rome itself.
Jesus is the only way the truth and the light
The New Deal, which was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt