Whenever the Moon, Earth and Sun are aligned, the gravitational pull of the sun adds to that of the moon causing maximum tides. Spring tides happen when the sun and moon are on the same side of the earth (New Moon) or when the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth (Full Moon)
Hope this helped
Stability (or atmospheric conditions) describes the tendency of the air either with rise and generate storms (destabilization) or resist vertical motion (stability).
As is valid of a balloon, the best way to explain how equilibrium functions is to consider a parcel of air getting a thin , lightweight cover that helps it to stretch but prohibits the air within from interacting with the surrounding atmosphere.
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Answe:delta do Mekong
ExplanationO delta do Mekong foi palco das batalhas mais selvagens da Guerra do Vietnã e muitos ali morreram. Hoje atrai turistas de todas as partes do mundo, que querem navegar por aquelas águas históricas e conhecer um pouco de seu humilde povo: