If you've ever been involved in videogames, I'm sure you would already know how common the argument of how ' bad ' videogames are for people and how they should read more. Here is why I think videogames are not at all harmful and is actually in fact good for you.
Too much of, well, ANYTHING is bad for you. Even reading. First person ' shooter ' games train your reflexes. Games like Minecraft give you the abilities to be creative. When parents say that videogames are not healthy is any way I can gladly disagree, but they also make pretty good points.
For the other side of this argument, a pretty good point they make are how kids can sometimes shift realities from real life to videogames. It can be in fact harmful.
Although both sides have fantastic points, I think videogames aren't bad for you.
I'm not sure of this question, yet i know you may get angry but, just know your loved and if going through a hard time i'm so so sorry, i know how it feels it sucks. take care of yourself, drink water, listen to that one song that makes you dance in your room and go do what YOU love. your beautiful your perfect and dont listen to what anyone says. i love u, everyone loves u, i know its scary but it happens to everyone life isnt a peice of cake unfortunatly and it sucks but woahh your strong! if you need someone to talk to leave a comment below, happy hoildays everyone!
P.S, im looking into the answer of this question. I may not answer it right on time (since i'm not the smartest...) but i promise ill try my best! Also, i am not doing this for points im doing this to make others smile. I hate how no one checks up on anyone, lots of people are going through a stressful time (including me) and i just want to let everyone know that its okay not to be okay! I hope that you all find happiness in every possible situation, once again HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
The idea of National Tap Dance Day was first presented to U.S. Congress on February 7, 1989, and was signed into US American Law by President George H.W. Bush, on November 8, 1989. The one time official observance was on May 25, 1989.
Answer: Anaphora
Explanation: The phrase “let it come” is used repeatedly throughout the text. It is not antithesis because the information in the text is not contradicting anything. It’s not epistrophe because it’s not only one word being repeated, but a phrase. It’s not allusion because it’s not referencing anything in the text.