The correct answer is letter B.
Explanation: Philosophy is not a set of ready-made knowledge, a finished system, closed in on itself. Philosophy is a way of thinking and it is also a stance towards the world.
Therefore, philosophical questions cannot be taken as correct or incorrect, all reflections are part of the maturation of the idea, including criticism, whether positive or negative.
IF you're referring to the British burning down the American capital in the War of 1812, this was mostly done out of spite, and to show that the British had taken control of the area.
Previous Section Evolution of the Virginia Colony, 1611-1624; Next Section Establishing the Georgia Colony, 1732-1750; Virginia's Early Relations with Native Americans. Those living in the area where Jamestown was settled must have had mixed feelings about the arrival of the English in 1607.
Biofeedback is related to the behavioral perspective in psychology, It is a technique that measures bodily functions and gives the information about them in order to help the patient or client train to control them voluntarily. It is also known as bio-regulation.
1. Make a personal commitment to nonviolence.
2. When you see someone in trouble, whether he or she is lost, confused, upset, or has fallen, don’t act like you don’t see the person – provide some help.
3. Show a child how to achieve calmness through deep breathing.
4. Show a child how to be kind to animals.
5. Show a child how to be kind to vulnerable people – the homeless, those with physical or cognitive disabilities, older people, and anyone else that appears different to the child.
6. Speak out against prejudice and discrimination when you see it.
7. When you feel angry, count to ten before saying anything. Then, ask yourself what response will be best for the greater good.