Sartorius is inserted in the tibia.
Sartorius muscle is orginated from the iliac spine of the pelvioc bone. This muscle is the longest muscle of the human body. This muscle runs down on the thigh's anterior compartment.
The sartorius muscle is inserted in the anteromedial surface of the proximal tibia in the pesanserius. The insertion can be shown on the upper medial of the tibia. Femoral nerve innervates the sartorius muscle.
Prophase 1, where crossing over occurs and DNA is already replicated
An asteroid hitting the earth would cause a lot of dust, ash, and other debris to go into the atmosphere which would block the sun which would cause the temperature to decrease.
The nitrogen bases can only pair in a certain way: A pairing with T and C pairing with G. Due to the base pairing, the DNA strands are complementary to each other, run in opposite directions, and are called antiparallel strands.