shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']
In this assignment, your knowledge of list is been tested. A list is data structure type in python that can hold different elements (items) of different type. The general syntax of a list is
listName = [item1, "item2", item3]
listName refers to the name of the list variable, this is followed by a pair of square brackets, inside the square brackets we have items separated by commas. This is a declaration and initialization of a list with some elements.
The complete python code snippet for this assignment is given below:
<em>shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']</em>
settings>Accessibility>Touch>AssistiveTouch>Turn off
Yes you can use adobe flash to make a cartoon
You cant go to a specialist if you cannot figure it out or to someone who knows how to hack because the way iCloud is set up you wont be able to unless you can factory reset it by downloading jail break