OSHA issues fines against companies which have safety violation in order to D. Compel them to make safety improvements.
OSHA stands for the occupational safety and health administration. The OSHA administration makes sure that all safety requirements are being followed by a business to ensure quality and safety of their employees and consumers. OSHA conducts safety inspections to make sure there are no safety violations, if there are, there is a time limit set for when/how to fix the violation.
Business management definition is managing the coordination and organization of business activities Management is in charge of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the business's resources so they can meet the objectives of the policy.
D. the desire to have goods and services sooner rather than later (all other things being equal).
The time preference talks about the placing relative value on goods received at an earlier date compared with receiving that particular goods at a later date. It is the assumption that people prefer a given goods or services be delivered sooner rather than later all things being equal. It occurs when a person focus on having a good sooner rather than later.
Individualistic mindset focuses on the individual and gives them more emphasis than the group.
The opposite of individualism is collectivism or group mentality which emphasise the group over the individual.
To discuss the merger between the two companies, ABC company only sent one person while XYZ company sent 5 people from different departments.
ABC is most likely have a individualistic mindset and they feel one person can handle the negotiation.
On the other hand XYZ sent representatives from each department. This shows the organisation has to agree to the deal so all departments are involved.