SRAM [STATIC] is a type of memory, it is five times faster than DRAM [which is found in most computers] and it depends on the use of electricity. It is designed in such a way that its constant refreshing is not require, it is much more expensive than the DRAM and it is therefore only used in cache memory application.<span />
Yes, the given statement is true because the life applications like various networking application and computer and television shows are basically operated and monitored by various OSS (operational support system).
The open source basically refers to the system which is open for all so that everyone can easily contribute. The operational support system handle all the applications based on our daily life. By proper analyzing the operational system so that it provide efficient output and various resources.
Therefore, various life application and operational system are open source.
replace text as you type is an option in the AutoCorrect tool that enables the
user to add or delete words that do not follow abbreviation rules. Moreover, this
is a convenient way to use especially if you are dealing with long string of
words that only needs abbreviation.
see explaination
The "size" or "functionality" of the project would need to be determined. Errors/FP would provide a normalized measure.
A metric such as DRE would provide an indication of the efficiency of SQA within both teams' software process.
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