The farmer's price center is about helping farmers acquire farm inputs easily
and conveniently. Through relevant branches and supportive statt, the farmers
price center provides a fresh perspective on the day to day hardships that farmers
Tace. The tarmer's price center is run by a practicing tarnmer with tirst hand
information as he holds a bachelors degree in agriculture. His unique perspective
allows farmers to automatically connect with his point of view. The farmer's center
is equally informal as it is also a mentor or a friend. Besides selling farm inputs,
the center guides tarmers overcome their challenges.
The tarmer's price center addresses the tarming and tarming management
sector. The people who purchase from famers price center are either practicing
tarmers or want to start a venture in agriculture. They have a natural drive to create
agricultural products and seek out professional advice. The ideal customer for the
farmer's price center would be the new farmer or investor who wants to start an
agricultural venture or manage their firm better. The farmer's price center provides
a comprehensive resource that answers the questions farmers have while at the
same time giving thema step by step way to succeed. Mostly, farmers do not have
The farrmers price center will be getting 5,000 unique customers per month
and be ranked as a pace setter and a trusted mentor and be ranked as a leader in
agricultural products and advice site. To achieve these long term goals, the
Tarmer s price center needs to apply imbound marketing te chniques to get tound.
Part or this strategy will be to contract sales representatives to market the varlous
products to the retail shops across the countryside. These sales representatives are
to be paid a retainer and commission upon hitting their sales target. The (products
are transported by our fleet of trucks to the customer's premises. Payment shall be
made on cheque at the end of the month according to the number of products
delivered. Each sales representative shall prepare a report on their daily sales with
accordance to their specitic routes.
ne raners price center is all about neiping ramers tnve n tne cndotic
world of business filled with scrupulous products. The farmer's price center will
achieve upwards of 5,000 unique customers and S10,000 in revenue per month
within the next two years.