C) Age Discrimination in Employment
Age Discrimination Employment Act will protect the 40 years old candidate who did not get interviewed after a phone screening, Subsequently getting to know of the young people in charge to fill a lawsuit Sysco alleging discrimination
Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA) was passed in the year 1967 is a United States law which safeguard or protect workers who are 40 years and above against workplace discrimination.
Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA) guard against using an employee or a job applicant's age as a basis for recruiting, laying off, promoting, compensating among others.
Answer:Community should have a geograhical area
Explanation:pls can you explain your question more
Partial pressure of a particular gas in a liquid equilibrates to match the partial pressure of that gas in the air to which the liquid is exposed.
Before the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, the West was faced with financial crises. There were instances ok which there were a form of crises which led to fears and worries by bank customers. The people ran to their banks to withdraw their deposits. The failure of one bank often had a ripple effect in which customers of other banks rushed to withdraw funds from their own banks even if those banks were not involved in the crisis.
Banks needed a source of emergency reserves to prevent customer fears and banks being driven out of business.
This led to the set up of the Federal Reserve Act.
The Federal Reserve System was created to tackle these banking issues and also to make possible fostering a sound banking system and healthy economy.
Demand curve shows what the current society needs with respect
to the supply required. The supply, ideally, must be greater than the demand
needed, however, unfortunately, demand is greater than supply nowadays, that is
why we have scarcity of resources.