B we surprised the nazis by bombing another beach to make it look like we were entering on it it was to get a foothold in France.
The setting up of spiritual or Church courts, by Lanfranc with the approval of king William 1, that dealt with ecclesiastical cases such that the law is based "Gods will" as written in the holy scriptures, meant that the determination of the ethical, governance as well as decision making of the Church to which members of the Church are to abide to are to be made. The ecclesiastical court was also adept at interpreting canon law and the judges are appointed by bishops and were led by priests
As such the Church court possessed far reaching powers in several European areas in the middle ages before the nation states developed
Answer and Explanation
Americans had come out of the first World War known as roaring 20's. 1920 characterized as economic, social, and culture change. The extend of the first World War and the United States during this period changed American society to a large extend. This significant event can be seen as a cultural, social, and economic lens. American culture had changed in this period, and people bought the thing if they have money or not. Bank gave loans quickly as people failed to check credit and consumer-debt rose. Americans bought things that they did not need.
Change of culture was not the change in culture black culture had begun to flourish. This is the creation of homegrown American art and music. Hurt, in 1919, explained that men of color fought against German. They did not fight for their race. This fact plays a vital role in Black prosperity and strengths.
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