Since there are no specific instructions, I'll give you the necessary information you need in order to map a diagram of the given sentence.
1. The mistake taught us a costly lesson.
The mistake- subject
taught us a costly lesson- predicate
2. The mistake taught us a costly lesson. (S-V-IO-DO)
The mistake- subject
taught- verb
us- indirect object
a costly lesson- direct object
3. The mistake taught us a costly lesson.
The- article
mistake- noun
us- pronoun
a- article
lesson- noun
if the word "<em>nobody</em>" is italicized, then it is an indefinite pronoun.
Indefinite pronouns do not refer to any person, amount, or thing in particular.
Examples of indefinite pronouns: All, some, any, several, anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either, none, one and no one
It's are because the phrase economics is used as a plural term in the following sentence.
Answer: limit the number of details you provide to the most important and compelling ones.