This statement is: <u>B) False</u>
Anger in driver can be seen in people that do not have any criminal records. Anger is not always associated with drugs or criminal behavior. People can react violenty when driving if they are experiencing stress or if they found themselves with a very bad accident.
People when driving have to be at a defense state so they can protect themselves, this can cause people to response defensivley.
A YouGov poll was conducted on December 2, 2019, asking 13,582 adults in the United States, "When do you think the next decade will begin and end?" Results showed that 64% answered that the next decade would begin on January 1, 2020, and will end on December 31, 2029 (0-to-9 method); 17% answered that the next decade
The colonists of America had very few opportunities to influence the government of England as they did not have any representation in the British Parliament (which was one of the factors that motivated the Revolutionary War). Because of this, they usually influenced the government through economic measures (ex. by disturbing trade) or through illegal means (ex. rebellions). On the other hand, there are several ways in which people today can influence governments. For example, by writing letters to their representatives, voting in local and federal elections, running for office and lobbying for a cause.
A good example of this is water bottles, we now have alternate bottles that are reusable and since they’re reusable, it’s less waste
He is in the third stage (interpersonal accord) of Kohlberg's stages of moral development.
Kohlberg did some studies on morality and proposed a theory on moral development. He defined three different levels of morality (and each level consists in 2 stages).
These levels are:
In the preconventional level, the person's morality is externally controlled and therefore acts based on what the punishment will be (1st stage) or based on how good will it be for him/her to act in some way (2nd stage)
The conventional level stages also have to to with external controls but now the person thinks in function of ensure positive relationships and societal order. The third stage here depends on the approval of others. The fourth stage has to do with accepting rules because they preserve the society order and functioning.
The postconventional level stages are defined in more abstract principles or values. The 5th stage sees the world as a place with different values that must be respected. Finally the 6th stage is based in universal ethical abstract principles.
In this example, Jason doesn't feel comfortable taking a decision without involving the chairman of the board. He is deciding to put aside his own interests for doing things the right way in the eyes of the shareholders, therefore, since he is focused in <u>external factors</u> he is in the <u>conventional level, specifically in the third stage in which decisions depend on the approval of others. </u>