You are nothing without your problems...Solving problems makes you stronger & move forward. Imagine how terrible could life be without problems, when all your worries are gone...when you're an f
ree bird, when there's nothing to be solved
1. The most important agent of Socialization is the family because it is the first social contact of the child. The child would interact with their fathers whom we will learn social norms, forms of attachment, norms of conduct, among many other things, so the pressure they exert as agents of socialization is high. The family continues to be an important agent of socialization throughout life but changes shape, as we form our own family with whom we interact constantly.
2. The second answer is yes, the agents of socialization more important in different stages of the life change because when we grow up we need more and different kind of socialization, and we also learn in all these stages the different nuances necessary to develop in sociality.
- In the childhood, the family is the most important agents of socialization.
- In adolescence, peers become the most important agents of socialization.
- During early adulthood, friendships are the main agents of socialization.
- During adulthood the main agents of socialization are the family itself; the children and the couple. In this stage, we interact less socially.
I hope this information can help you.
Answer: Africa, Asia and Far East.
The BOP which in economic term refers to the economic human pyramid is associated to the 2 thirds of the poorest economic human pyramid. According to Euromonitor International, Nigeria, Indonesia, China, India and South Africa have been identified as being at the bottom of the pyramid.