Soviet Union was the first country
The Ford Model T (colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie, Leaping Lena, or flivver) is an automobile that was produced by Ford Motor Company from October 1, 1908, to May 26, 1927.[6][7] It is generally regarded as the first affordable automobile, the car that opened travel to the common middle-class American; some of this was because of Ford's efficient fabrication, including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting.[8]
The Ford Model T was named the most influential car of the 20th century in the 1999 Car of the Century competition, ahead of the BMC Mini, Citroën DS, and Volkswagen Type 1.[9] Ford's Model T was successful not only because it provided inexpensive transportation on a massive scale, but also because the car signified innovation for the rising middle class and became a powerful symbol of America's age of modernization.[10] With 16.5 million sold it stands eighth on the top ten list of most sold cars of all time as of 2012[update].<span>[11]</span>
Ways & Means the Voters & their Eected Representatives can Check the Powers of the Judicial Branch
- <em>Voters can check the power of the judicial Branch by electing representatives who adhere strictly to the provisions of the Constitution;</em>
- <em>Voters can sponsor private bills requesting the representatives to impeach a judge as in the case of the United States of America;</em>
- <em>In the case of my country, Nigeria, the voters can file petitions to National Judicial Council (NJC) urging them to investigate the ill-conducts of corrupt Judges and gross abuse of office;</em>
- <em>Congress has the authority under the constitution to limit the jurisdiction of any or all Federal Courts;</em>
- <em>Judicial activism can be checked by active and vibrant representations;</em>
- <em>Voters should not re-elect representatives who play into/profit from the gridlock/inaction system.</em>
walls of the Colosseum were crumbling. The
once-magnificent stadium housed scores of filthy taverns. Thieves lurked in the ancient baths. On Capitoline
Hill, the old center of Roman government, vines grew over the benches of the senators. One
humanist lamented that the Roman Forum once the heart of
an empire, had turned into “a neglected desert here the home of pigs and wild deer, and there a vegetable garden.” </span>