It was a feeling I had never felt before. My hands and feet tingling under the pressure of the earth surrounding. The sand entering itself into every available space in my body, and slowly watching the ground move closer and closer towards my neck. I struggled, moving my body towards the solid sand, but it only made the sand creep up faster. I fluttered my eyelids, once, twice, and a third time until my breath was cut off by the pressure of sand pressing against my throat as I sunk deeper, and deeper. I took a breath and breathed in that hot air like I never had before. I closed my eyes and held my eyes closed as the sand pulled me into the earth.
A comma should be after each separate things you are listing. The answer is: <span> The
Library of Congress is home to the world's most extensive comic-book
collection, oldest original newspaper collection, and most abundant
collection of cartographic items.</span>