<em>Adaptive Processes</em>
Adaptive process <em>is the method of performing computations from a physical, natural, source on a set of measured or displayed information</em> (thought to be) in <em>such a manner as to create a finest parametric model of that physical source, one that best suits the observed information according to certain error criteria.</em>
Has not developed an understanding of the cues to performance of these pragmatic skills.
In this context, Understanding cues to performance refers to humans' ability to observe the situation around us, and deliver the most appropriate technique that help us benefit from the situation.
From the excerpt, we know that John has a very good pragmatic skills in general. But this test is most likely taken under a structured situation that does not represent the actual real life. So, when John actually encountered it in his social life, he does not understand when is the proper time to actually use the skill.
<span>The sociologist Howard S. Becker introduced the above
theories. Becker is a well-known theorist in the sociological domains of Crime
and Deviance, and the sociology of Art and Music. His most cited theory is the labeling theory. The labeling theory states that if an individual is labelled
a ‘criminal’ or ‘deviant’ by members of society, he or she is likely to engage
in such behavior and become a true deviant or criminal. </span>
it provides easy access information and learning
Pastoralism is a slightly more efficient form of subsistence. Rather than searching for food on a daily basis, members of a pastoral society rely on domesticated herd animals to meet their food needs. Pastoralists live a nomadic life, moving their herds from pasture to pasture. Because their food supply is far more reliable, pastoral societies can
And horticultural society is an organization devoted to the study and culture of cultivated plants
so the comparison is Horticultural societies grow crops as using simple tools, while on the other hand Pastoral societies raise livestock.