Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes is based on the true story of a girl named Sadako Sasaki. It begins nine years after the United States dropped an atom bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan in an attempt to end World War II. When the bomb fell, Sadako was only two years old, and she survived the explosion with seemingly no injuries. However, when Sadako was 11 years old, she discovered that she had leukemia, a form of cancer many people called the 'atom bomb disease'. The leukemia was a result of radiation poisoning from the bomb.
Explanation:Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes is based on the true story of a girl named Sadako Sasaki. It begins nine years after the United States dropped an atom bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan in an attempt to end World War II. When the bomb fell, Sadako was only two years old, and she survived the explosion with seemingly no injuries. However, when Sadako was 11 years old, she discovered that she had leukemia, a form of cancer many people called the 'atom bomb disease'. The leukemia was a result of radiation poisoning from the bomb.
The correct answer is: <u>Oldowan tools</u>
The <u>Oldowan tools </u>are the oldest recognizable tools preserved in the archaeological records. The oldest Oldowan tools is about 2.6 million years old and was found in Gona, Ethiopia. These tools were made simply by chipping off few flakes of a stone by using another stone.
Around 1.8 million years ago, the early <u>Homo were present in Europe, as their fossils were discovered along with the Oldowan tools in Dmanisi, Georgia.</u>
<u>Therefore, the early Homo left Africa and carried the Oldowan tools to Dmanisi, Georgia.</u>
Menes sent an army down the Nile and defeated the king of Lower Egypt in battle. In this way Menes united the two kingdoms.
For Georgia, it's the state flag.
Georgia changed its flag in 1956, two years after Brown v. Board of Education was decided.
A reasonable view of the choice of using your friend as expert testimony is <u>D. The friend’s </u><u>insights</u> are valuable as peer testimony.
<h3>What is peer testimony?</h3>
Peer testimony is a testimony given by a person without the required specialist expertise in a particular matter.
Peer testimony serves as an assertion made by someone who has experience or knowledge of a particular matter. For example, your friend who has a brother with childhood Type I diabetes.
Thus, a reasonable view of the choice of using your friend as expert testimony is <u>Option D</u>.
Learn more about peer testimony at