Temporary storage sites in the cytosol for substances such as pigments or nutrients are called inclusions.
Pigments are the compounds that have a certain color and provide color to other structures indie the body. For example in plants chlorophyll is the pigment that provides green color to the leaves and stem. In humans and other animals, the blood consists f red colored pigment called hemoglobin.
Inclusions are the non-living objects inside the cell. They can be anything like pigments or any other molecules, that performs no function inside the cell. They are also called ergastic substances and do not even have any membrane.
To know more about pigments, here
A dorsal root (sensory or afferent) and a ventral root (motor or efferent) originate from the medulla. They unite near the intervertebral foramen, forming the spinal nerve. The nerves emerge from the intervertebral foramen, dividing into ventral and dorsal ramus.
The nerve is a set of nerve fibers perceptible to the naked eye and wrapped in connective tissue. They are made up of roots, trunks and nerve branches (some of them come together and form plexuses).The spinal nerve originate from the spinal cord in the form of 31 pairs: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal. They emerge from the spinal cord through two roots: dorsal roots, made up of sensory fibers that come from the sensory neurons of the spinal ganglion and that penetrate the spinal cord through the posterolateral and ventral root, made up of motor fibers, coming from the motor neurons of the anterior horn and visceral of the lateral horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord. This root exits the spinal cord through the anterolateral groove, then joins the posterior root to form the spinal nerve, which exits the vertebral canal through the corresponding intervertebral foramen.Each spinal nerve, after leaving the vertebral canal, emits two primary ramus: the dorsal ramus, contains somatic and visceral fibers that go to the skin and muscles of the back and the ventral ramus, which supplies the ventrolateral surface of the skin, body wall and extremities.
The choloroplast hosts the enzymatic machinery that carries out photosynthesis. These proteins are embedded in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast. Of these proteins PSII and PSI contain chlorophyll molecules.