Hey bro! I would say d, ill tell u what i get ;)
The Alliance System played an important role in leading to the First World War mainly because it divided the European powers into two rival military camps, the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente by 1907. The rivalry between the two camps brought about the First World War.
Weakened by subsequent and frequent attacks, and cut-off from international trade of salt, gold, and other important things, the kingdom was vulnerable and unable to prevent defeat. In 1240 C.E., Ghana was conquered and absorbed/added into the growing nation of Mali, which would soon become the next great empire.
After Mansa Musa died, his son Maghan took the throne. Maghan was a weak ruler. Raiders from the southeast poured into Mali. Mali neverfully recovered from the attack. The Malian Empire continued to weaken and decline after.This soon lead to the uprise of the new empire Songhai,which would be the new and powerful empire after Mali had fallen.
The NAACP was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People- the name already shows you that they were interested in racial equality! They filed the case in order to repeal and forbid the practice of having racial segregation at schools - and they won!
I don't really know if I'm right but I think it's true
sorry if I'm wrong