Because you are then holding up an expectation of them to be good at everything. then they feel like they actually have to be good at it, because maybe they don’t wanna disappoint you or be embarrassed because they aren’t as good as you held them up to be.
after you have expected them to be good at everything, and they’ve failed, they probably feel like a failure, like they could have done better. you’d basically be signing them up for failure and embarrassment if you expected them to be good at everything after you realized they can do one thing good
People are or seem to be difficult because they are layered, behind each of their actions and behaviours there are a hundred reasons
A preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon etc. of or relating to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family: Antecedent.
The answer is Option A.
<u>An example: </u>
Some antecedents to the Native American novel might exist in Native American’s oral traditions.
Something produced or manufactured in one's own country to give up possession or occupancy of: Domestic.
The answer is Option B.
<u>An example: </u>
Khadi is a domestic product of India.
To give up or relinquish (an office, position, etc.): Vacate.
The answer is Option D.
<u>An example: </u>
The landlord asked us to vacate the room if the rent wasn’t paid by the 10th of this month.
To develop gradually: Evolve.
The answer is Option C.
<u>An example: </u>
Rahul evolved from a shy boy to a confident and self-independent man.
She described in detail the order of what happened to her.