They drop on the ground and the wind blows them or birds pick them up and drop them or bees
The First and Third one for sure
Carnivores eat primary consumers as well as other carnivores if I'm not wrong, which would make them secondary or higher consumers.
Also, herbivores eat producers, which are plants and stuff and basically organisms that make their own food, which would make them primary consumers.
Ofcourse, <span>Cone-bearing plants</span>
Answer:1)Yeast cells that produce more unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids in response to cold have greater cold tolerance
2)Cell membranes in reindeer legs (near the hooves) are kept flexible because they have a large number of saturated fatty acids.
3.)Cell membranes in cold tolerant winter wheat plants have a higher ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids than do cold intolerant wheat varieties.
Basically the longer the chains of fatty acids the higher the degree of energy produced as heat energy, and therefore the higher the insulation.
Unsaturated fats clogged together and the aggregate carbons and hydrogens ensured insulation.
sense of touch
There are five sense organs that involved vision, hearing, taste, smelling, and touch.
Sense of touch is involved in a reflex coordinated by the spinal cord as when we touch something, sensory nerves sends the information to the brain and spinal cord. the motor nerves process the signals in the brain and send it back to the muscles, that leads to contraction reflexively.
Hence, the correct answer is "sense of touch".