The Middle Colonies are four: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
- The first two NJ and NY, were directly ruled by the English king. This system converts them into royal colonies.
- On the other hand, Delaware and Pennsylvania were propietary colonies. The right of ruling them was granted by the English king to one or several owners.
Answer: C
Explanation: It displays active listening like you're into the conversation at hand.
Pinchot accused Taft's secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, of having planned to give public lands in Alaska to a private business group for his own profit.
The correct answer is C.
The Senate is considered a more deliberative body than the House of Representatives because the number of Senators is less than that of Representatives and its members remain in office for a longer period, thus allowing a more collegial environment, in this way it remains farther away from public opinion than the House.
The fathers of the Constitution created a bicameral Congress for the desire to have two chambers to be audited between them. The intention of a chamber was to be the "people's chamber," which would be highly sensitive to public opinion. The other chamber was intended to represent the states. Until 1913, the Senators were elected by the legislatures of the states and not by popular vote; in that year the Seventeenth Amendment was enacted, which established the senatorial election via direct popular election. This would be a forum for greater deliberation, where the periods of six years would allow the Senators not to depend totally on public opinion as in the cases of shorter periods.