Wait for the farmers to finish work before fight practice
Explorers were fascinated by the artifacts in the New World because they believed that there is a mythical city of gold named El Dorado. They thought that they have found it there. It tickled their imagination and enjoyed that fantasy.
algunos grupos o individuos se organizan para ayudar a la huida de los perseguidos, distribuyen panfletos y entorpecer las maquinaciones del nazismo, otros participan en aviones para eliminar a Hitler y derrocar a su régimen, como el quizás más potente pero fracasado intento de asesinar a Adolf Hitler el 20 de julio de 1944
1. Avoid breathing in the same air as a plague victim.
2. Sit next to a blazing hot fire, (it worked for the Pope in the
summer of 1348).
3. Live in a house sheltered from the wind and keep the window
4. Attack foreigners and people of a different religion. (Twenty
thousand Jews were burned to death in Strasbourg in 1348).