The correct order is F, E, C, G, H, A, D, and B (look at the image in the attached files)
- <u>Interphase</u><u>:</u> Stages G1, S, and G2. At this point probably, the chromatin duplication has already occurred, but it is still lax or dispersed. It has not condensed yet. Two pairs of centrioles are outside the nucleus (FIGURE F)
- <u>Prophase</u>: Centrioles move forward to the opposite poles of the cell. Chromatin is condensed and individual chromosomes are now visible. The nuclear membrane breaks into many pieces. Spindle apparatus -microtubules- forms. (FIGURE E)
- <u>Metaphase:</u> The polar and the kinetochore fibers drive each individual chromosome to the equatorial plane. This stage ends when all the chromosomes are completely arranged in the medial area. (FIGURE C)
- <u>Anaphase</u>: Sister chromatids separate and move to the opposite poles of the cells, driven by the microtubules. In each pole, there are a pair of centrioles (FIGURE G and H).
- <u>Telophase</u>: The nuclear membrane rearranges. Each sister chromatid becomes now a new chromosome. There is a pair of centrioles outside each of the nuclei. (FIGURE A)
- Cytokinesis occurs at the end of the cell division. The rest of the cell is divided into two new daughter cells. Each daughter cell is an identical copy of the other cell, with the exact same genetic material (FIGURE D).
- Decondensation of the genetic material of each new cell (FIGURE B).

So if there isn’t an o blood type, I’m assuming the offspring is homozygous for their blood of types. If we do a chart we will see that the only possible blood type for the offspring is AB. hope this helped
Animalia and Fungi I believe.
The answer is Vas deferens