e. I, II, III, and IV
I. Sell the inventory and use the cash raised to apply to the debt
II. Sell the store fixtures and use the cash raised to apply to the debt
III. Take funds from Maria‘s personal account at the bank to pay the store‘s debt
IV. Sell any assets Maria personally owns and apply the proceeds to the store‘s debt
Nathan's contention is wrong.
Storage of money at home involves the opportunity cost of losing out on income that would've been generated had the same money been invested elsewhere or deposited with a bank.
Secondly, money stored at home is vulnerable to theft and other forms of risks.
Thirdly, stored money at home does not contribute to any economic benefit since such money is out of circular flow of money in the economy. So it yields no return.
Thus, Nathan's contention of stored money at home being costless is wrong.
The resource-based view differs from the institution-based view in that the resource-based view focuses on a firm's internal strengths and weaknesses.
Resources are all materials available in our environment that are technically accessible, economically feasible, culturally sustainable, and that help meet our needs and desires. point.
Resources are physical materials that people need and value, such as land, air, and water. Resources are characterized as renewable or non-renewable. Renewable resources are automatically renewed as they are consumed, while non-renewable resources have limited availability.
1a: Source or Support: Available Resources - Usually used in the plural. b : natural source of wealth or income - often used in the plural. c : Natural features or phenomena that improve the quality of human life. d : computable wealth - usually used in the plural.
Learn more about resource
Which of the following is NOT a step in the strategic planning process?
E) evaluating all members of the value chain
Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy