No, women do not receive the same amount of pay for labor as men do.
Although the wage gap has been decreased over time through various women’s rights legislation, equality of pay has not yet been reached. Women still receive slightly less on each dollar than men do for the same work. Many groups and organizations are pushing for equality in this area, and the wage gap may eventually close entirely, but as of right now, it still exists.
Castles were often built at crossroads to guard important or strategic sites.
Answer: B. Spending would cause the economy to grow.
To build a new highway, the government would have to spend money. Government spending is one of the main determinants of economic growth because it pumps money into the economy.
This will bring jobs to the country (for instance construction labor and engineers) which would increase the income of those people. Those people will then have more money to spend on goods and services thereby leading to economic growth.
There are two relatively effective techniques to get someone to perform a favor for another. They are door-in-the-face (DITF) and foot-in-the-door techniques. Both techniques significantly increase the chance of a second request being performed. The door-in-the-face technique involves asking for a large favor that's highly likely to be declined. Then afterwards asking for a much smaller favor. In a classic DITF study, some researches took a randomly selected group of people and divided them into 3 groups. For the 1st group, the researchers first asked for volunteers to provide counseling to juvenile delinquents for 2 hours per week, for 2 years. Then after that request was declined, asked for volunteers to chaperone some juvenile delinquents for a day trip to the zoo. The 2nd group was simply asked to perform the day trip, and finally the 3rd group had counseling described to them, and was then asked to provide the chaperoning to the zoo. For the 1st group, 50% agreed to perform the day trip to the zoo, whereas only 17% of the 2nd group agreed to the trip and 25% of the 3rd group agreed.</span>
His description made no reference to behavioristic ideas because his is inconsistent with behavioristic theories which anticipate that to get a much better attitude a boost is provided, and dissonance theory states fluctuation in a less incentive wise.
Leon Festinger´s theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957), proposed that people in general tend to find attitude, beliefs, opinions, values and behavior´s parity so to get psychological harmony to mentally perform in its social environment matching expectations and reality.
Cognitive dissonance happens when one gets a contradictory point of view from another then something should be changed to make tension, dissatisfaction, conflict or dissonance dissapear.
This is a social psychology idea that refers the ways people seek values´ alignment to find psychological comfort.