<span>Good Morning!
Tureaud was responsible for raising the fight for US racial rights. In the state of Louisiana he was responsible for defending one of the first cases against segregation of public bus seats.
He helped Louisiana out of the segregationist south
MLK jr. since he wanted peace and equality and showed how to solve problems without violence
Trader nomads : They bought and sold these goods as they moved from one place to another, transporting them on their animals. The Banjaras were trader-nomads who bought grain where it was cheaply available and carried it to places where it was dearer.
Tribe : a tribe is a human social group which mainly live in a forested region and survive by hunting animals and by carrying out shifting cultivation. They have their own culture, religious beliefs and traditions which are completely different from mainstream practices
A man who leads religious services is sometimes called a clergyman and a woman who leads religious services is sometimes called a clergywoman.