Daoism (Taoism)
A Chinese tradition striving for a middle way (balance) that focuses on mystical religious ways and the ever-changing nature of things in the cosmos.
Bro j don’t hknow ajahahabab 187282!/71)/& loalao
If you do it yourself then you’ll actually learn lol
Abstract reasoning
Abstract reasoning is related to assess a person's ability and interpretation of patterns. In abstract reasoning, a person knows the rules and patterns. Through rules and patterns, a person can find out the missing word number, pattern. Abstract reasoning is related to the general factor of spear-man. Inductive reasoning and abstract reasoning are the same. Theses can be used interchangeably by the person. Inductive reasoning is from specific to general. Thus in the question Manager level job in which Mariel takes a psychological test. She would have better performance if she would be 25 years old than 55 years old because it is based on fluid and crystallized intelligence.
Montesquieu believed that the best form of government had three branches: legislative, judicial, and executive. The seperation of power meant , to Montesquieue, that the government shouldn't become corrupted Explanation: