Convert 7/11 to a decimal value.
7 divided by 11 = 0.636364
Subtract 0.636364 to 0.757576 and divide the difference
by 2.
Following the equation, 0.636364 - 0.757576 =
<span>0.121212 divided by 2, the quotient is 0.06 (06
is repeating) </span>
General Formulas and Concepts:
Limit Rule [Variable Direct Substitution]:
L'Hopital's Rule
- Derivatives
- Derivative Notation
Basic Power Rule:
- f(x) = cxⁿ
- f’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹
Derivative Rule [Chain Rule]:
Step-by-step explanation:
We are given the limit:
When we directly plug in <em>x</em> = 0, we see that we would have an indeterminate form:
This tells us we need to use L'Hoptial's Rule. Let's differentiate the limit:
Plugging in <em>x</em> = 0 again, we would get:
Since we reached another indeterminate form, let's apply L'Hoptial's Rule again:
Substitute in <em>x</em> = 0 once more:
And we have our final answer.
Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)
Unit: Limits
As 1/3 = 2/6 = 3/9 = 4/12
and 2/6 is greater than 1/6
3/9 is greater than 2/9
1/3 is greater than 1/6 ; 2/9 ; ...