A) Kiev
In 882 king Oleg gained control of Kiev, a Slavic city that had arisen along the Dnepr River around the 5th century
During World War II, Native Americans formed an intertribal group they called the National Congress of AmericanIndians (NCAI). They opposed the 1953 laws, including the relocation program, describing them as an attempt tokill off their people. The NCAI as well as other groups that formed later would seek legal means to prevent thetaking of lands and land rights. Some groups were more militant and used the phrase "Red Power" or "NativeAmerican Power."Their efforts did grab the attention of Congress, leading to laws protecting Native Americanrights in education, health care, and child custody rules. The Supreme Court decision Menominee Tribe v. UnitedStates in 1968 ruled that states could not take away Native American rights to hunt and fish on lands theyreceived through past treaty agreements.
Washington's failures were numerous. He was greatly indebted to British creditors almost all of his life, often because his plantation tobacco crop failed.
<span> Although Harold Godwinson repelled the Norwegian invaders, his army was defeated by the </span>Normans<span> at </span>Hastings<span> less than three weeks later. The battle has traditionally been presented as symbolising the end of the </span>Viking Age.
(Ended the viking age)