In his long telegram, Novikovhas describe sees the US as a country planning for world domination. During that time, the US had been leading in manufacturing as well as had been able to create trade agreements with other countries who are hoping to prosper by rebuilding some of its structures with the help of the United States. He feels that the US had the upper hand compared to Russia, and thus started the Cold War
Belarus, cambodia, Cameroon, chad, china, cuba, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, eritera, Ethiopia, iran, lyiba, Madagascar, Myanmar, north korea, Rwanda, sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam ,and Zimbabwe
EMpires used trade for all sorts of reasons a few were to get and sell goods. Another was to exchange information and news. This also connected people far and wide from the main part of the empire. It was easier to rule empires when trade was established
Throughout the 1970s, the United States went through a lot of change both politically and as a society. One way the US changed was through women’s rights. Organizations such as NOW started to create awareness on the discrimination towards women in the workplace. One example of this is the equal rights amendment. Even though this amendment was not passed, it still created a big impact on the life of women. Women had more benefits and work since maternity leave was not secured and fair divorce laws enacted. There were also more women’s study programs introduced and the number of female elected officials increased. Another change was affirmative action. Throughout the 1970s, minorities started to speak out for equality. Acts like the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the Bakke v. University of California were ways in which the minorities could gain equality. In the Bakke vs. University of California, the Supreme Court decided that the university could not use fixed quotas in making admissions decisions. Lastly there was also some religious Reawakening throughout the 1970s. Some examples of this are the fact that there were many religious groups at the time. one of the most famous religious leaders is Martin Luther King Jr. These groups spoke out for equality in a peaceful way.
animal poop & cows
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