#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ string chars; // This is where we will put our @ signs and print them for(int x=0;x < 5; x++){
chars = chars + '@'; // This will concatenate an @ sign at the end of the variable cout << chars << "\n"; }}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ string name; // Our variable to store the name cout << "What is your name? \n"; // Asks the user for their name cin >> name; cout << "\nWell, hello " << name << "!";}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ int number; // Our variable cout << "Enter a number\n"; // Asks for a number cin >> number; cout << "You entered " << number << "%!";}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ int number; // Our variable cout << "Enter a number\n"; cin >> number;
int check = number % 2; // The modulo operator (the percent sign) gets the remainder of the quotient if (check == 0) { cout << number << " is even!"; // If the remainder is 0 then it prints out "x is even" } else { cout << number << " is odd!"; // If the remainder is not 0 then it prints out "x is odd" }}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ float r; // Our variable cout << "Enter a radius\n"; cin >> r; if (r < 0){ cout << "Lol. No."; // If the radius is less than zero print out that message } float circumference=2*3.14*r; float area=r*r*3.14; cout << "\n\n Circumference of circle: " << circumference; cout << "\n Area of circle: " << area;}
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A lot of people do love going on different kinds of adventures. People do like adventures because;
- It helps to improve their physical health and it also hinders/ treat different scope or range of health issues.
- It helps to make the human brain bigger that is, adventures such as hiking or walking helps to grow the brains.
- People go on adventures so as to build or raise their tolerance level such as Tolerance for uncertainty.
- Adventures helps to improve one's reflectiveness and mental skill
- It gives you new ideas, feeds your dreams and also helps to builds your confidence.
Adventure is simply defined as the act of been involved in an unusual or exciting experience or any activity. It can be hazardous in nature.
Learn more about adventure from
For easier management of the host records of the company 4 zones should be used because
subdomain is part of a larger domain and the main domain which is the primary domain is the name which the company have decide to use which will represent the company website address and in a situation where the company
have different domain names in which they had registered, they will need to choose one among the domain which will inturn be their main domain.
Therefore for easier , efficient and effective management of the host records 4 zones will be the best zones to be used.
Example of sub domain is north.example.com