Facilitated diffusion is the diffusion of solutes through transport proteins in the plasma membrane. Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport. Even though facilitated diffusion involves transport proteins, it is still passive transport because the solute is moving down the concentration gradient.
In strict mode, the narrow-sense heritability is the proportion of the additive genetic variance that contributes to the total of the phenotypic variance. This value can be associated with the inheritance of the a-thalassemia
A-thalassemia is a genetic disorder caused by mutations affecting four different genes that encode alpha-globin, thus affecting the hemoglobin production process and, consequently, oxygen transport. The mode of inheritance of the a-thalassemia may be associated with narrow sense heritability since the phenotype is manifested by gradation, i.e., each allele might contribute in similar mode to this genetic condition.
The neurons conduct impulses over relatively long distance in the body. This is facilitated by their long cytoplasmic extensions
<em>The correct option is D) need to be aware that if any of his garlic plants became diseased, it could very likely infect the entire crop</em>
If cloves from a bulb are taken and grown, then the plants formed will be identical to each other. As a result, there will be no genetic varieties in the garlic plants being produced. Hence, when a diseases eradicates, it will affect the entire plants of the garden as they would be genetically identically, Variations would have allowed some of the plants to be resistant for the disease and hence some of the plant species could be saved by genetic variations.