Innocent: free from guilt; free from legal fault. This should not be confused with the term “not guilty.” Not guilty is a verdict by a judge or a jury that a person accused of a crime did not commit it or that there is not enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crime.
converted to Islam or happly lived under Islamic rule. RACE Body Paragraph 2 The rapid spread of Islam greatly benefited from trade during the middle ages. For example, Mecca was an important trading crossroads for the Arabian Peninsula, "[v]ast camel trains, bearing spices, perfumes, precious metals, ivory and silk, filed through the town" (Doc A). Consequently, Islam starts in Mecca allowing the interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims traders to share informations between the two. there's 2 missing sentences in this paragraph need help to find the 2
A very great proportion of the population is concentrated toward the bottom of the income distribution, and the poverty rate is highly sensitive to where the line is drawn.
Confederate army won the battle of chickamauga by spreading the false information that Confederate General Braxton Bragg was retreating. This false information drove the Union Army of the Cumberland back into Chattanooga, Tennessee, from Chickamauga Creek where, after days of battle, Confederates were victorious.
In 1636, Roger Williams settled at the tip of Narragansett Bay after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious views, on land granted to him by the Narragansett tribe. He called the site "Providence Plantation" and declared it a place of religious freedom. <span>Critics at the time sometimes referred to it as "Rogue's Island".
</span>On July 15, 1663 King Charles II granted the Charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations<span>. Colonial Rhode Island became a Charter Colony which was largely self-governed. The charter established the rules of government, but allowed the Rhode Island colonists a great amount of freedom within those rules.</span>