7 is C wealth and power.
8 is B hurls large boulders.
Feudalism was a social heigharchy where the "higher classes" had more power and money.
A trebuchet was a giant catapult-like machine that hurled boulders during medieval wars.
The Bonus Army, made up of WWl vets and their families, came marching into Washington to demand that their pensions from the war to be payed early.
The Declaration was intended to serve as a preamble to the French Constitution of 1791, which established a constitutional monarchy.
Conference committee
A conference committee is a special joint committee that brings together members of the House of Representatives and Senate to resolve issues in legislation to create a bill based in compromise.
A conference committee is used when the House and Senate versions of a bill differ enough that the bill will not be passed in its current state. These committees must compromise to create a new bill or the legislation will be at risk of dying before a vote. Major issues are typically the focus of conference committees such as health care, education, and human rights legislation.
B) geographic conditions there.
New England, compared to those other colonies was crippled because of its bad weather conditions and unfertile soil, so the economic development that New England had had more to do with the ability to trade and having ports to trade with the crown, the southern colonies and mi atlantic colonies had fertile soil and lots of workers that was the main difference between the colonies economic development and was due to its different geographical characteristics.