Freedom is needed in many many ways, but cannot be truly given because of the consequences that some humans will do, so you have to controll the amount of freedom of human so they can't do horribleness stuff, such as having Morales or making laws for the bad stuff.
It seems a bit messy so it might be good to organized your ideas. The main idea you need to develop is why baseball is your favourite sport.
Introduction: you can talk about baseball in general providing relevant information about this sport.
"(in my opinion ) b<span>aseball is a great form of getting into shape and also enjoying fresh air and even socializing as it is a team sport". This might be your thesis statement. so in the following paragraphs you are going to develop and expand each of this characteristics.
paragraph 1. get into shape. describe/ provide information/ explain why?
paragraph 2: fresh air
paragraph 3: socializing.
Conclusion: remember that in the conclusion you should not provide new information, this is just an enumeration of what you stated. So you might say "in conclusion/to conclude, Baseball is my favourite sport because ...." and you state again all the ideas already mentioned. </span><span />
I'm going to use x as the missing/unknown number here. You know that the answer is, at most, 30. You also know that a product of something means multiplication. So, something times five is, at most, 30.
This would be written as: 5x<span>≤30, as the answer is equal to 30, or less than that.
If you'd like to solve for x, you divide both sides by 5:
The sign does NOT flip, the number that was divided to get x alone was not a negative, so no sign-flipping is needed.</span>
This can fit into the category of Hasty Generalization, this is, that you generalize with a lack of evidence or better,reasons as of to state that the trilogy of the Lord of The Rings isgood. It is good because it is good, if the first part is good, then all the trilogy is good.
Another option might be a fallacy called <em>ad populum </em> which takes place whenever you appeal to the public knowledge of something to prove it is true. In this case forexample, you could say: the reviews are giving this movie 5 stars, so this movie is good, because people like it.