Asexual reproduction is through the formation of asexual spores. They are produced by one parent only and are genetically identical to that parent (Mitosis).
Sexual reproduction in the fungi has three stages plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis.
AR: Spores may be dispersed by moving water, wind, or other organisms. The spores far from the parent organism. This helps to ensure that the offspring will not have to compete with the parent for space or other resources.
SR: Sexual reproduction occurs when spores from two parents fuse and form a zygospore.
3.interphase is the first phase of the cell cycle and the longest where the cell grows and prepares for mitosis through dna replication
5.chromosomes form in the first phase of mitosis, prophase
6.chromosomes line up along the equator during the second phase of mitosis, metaphase
4 sister chromatids separate during anaphase
1 two new nuclei form during telphase
2 cytokinesis is the separation of cytoplasm , resulting in two daughter cells
compound light microscope
an amoeba is a microscopic unicellular protist
This means that one amino acid can be coded by more that one codon.
A triplet code that code for an amino acid during translation is called genetic code. The genetic code is said to be redundant because a single amino acid can be coded by more that one triplet codon.
So there can be synonymous codon for one amino acid. For example, leucine, serine, and arginine have 6 synonymous codons.
The genetic code is unambiguous also because each triplet codon can only code for a particular single amino acid. Genetic code is also universal which means the same code is used in all life forms.