The correct answer in this case is liberalism.
Socialism is the opposite as it entails (Among other things) the idea of fast changes, if need be with revolution. Neither does utilitarianism talk about social progress through reform.
Libertarians talk exactly about what the question is about; one of the main tennets of liberalism is that they prefer and would like to witness social change through reforms.
Yes it helped Europe from outside threats
I don't think they were necessary justify even with everything going on at the time since it's targeted people who were suspected
<span>By the time President Franklin Roosevelt was elected, he found number of laws that advanced labor’s cause. FDR signed the Wagner Act, that gave the workers the right to join unions and bargain through union representatives. It also set up National Labor Relations Board to examine claims of unfair labor practices and to punish employers if they unjustly discharged employees for engaging in union activities. </span>