Cheap implies low quality items resulting in lower price. Inexpensise means a quality item at a lower price.
Because i said so and i’m cool
C.that huge tree on maple street is not a maple tree.
Lorraine Hansberry foi um proeminente dramaturgo da direção social humanista e aguda. Hansberry toca A Raisin no Sol, escrito em 1959, foi uma bomba e se tornou a primeira peça de autor afro-americano que foi encenada na Broadway. No centro da peça, vemos a família Younger, que mora no sul de Chicago: mãe Lina e dois filhos.
D: Appropriate examples to use
Identifying your audience will help you determine what will be the best examples for the audience to relate too. As you would not want to use sesame street as an example for a group of CEO's and you would not want to use a spreadsheet of the past 5 days in the stock market for a group of kindergartners.