establish an army.
In the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had started, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to organize the war efforts of thirteen colonies. Armed forces were composed of many local militia at that time and the Second Continental Congress appointed George Washington as general of the Continental Army and approved army recruitment.
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Hitler annnounced an Anschluss with Austria March 12, 1938.
*.After having enjoyed a high degree of autonomy through the 1750s, the British Colonies in North America began to see that autonomy decline as the British sought to raise taxes and increase their presence in order to pay off the debt from the French and Indian War, protect the colonies from the perceived threat posed by Native Americans, and provide a means to finance their increased military presence.
*.What began as a defense of the traditional British liberties enjoyed by some colonists, and then evolved throughout the 1760s and early 1770s into an increasingly heated and in some areas violent rebellion, culminated in the Second Continental Congress declaring independence from Britain in 1776 in Philadelphia.
<span>*.In addition to providing an inspirational collection of arguments around which both ardent supporters of independence and the previously undecided could rally to the cause of independence, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence actually had numerous long-term consequences, including inspiring previously underrepresented or oppressed groups, such as women and African-Americans, to demand that the United States recognize them as equal citizens with equal rights. Choose whats your awnser
C. as valuable property