Germany and the Soviet Union made a German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, which made them not to invade each other for 10 years.
As populations around the world are experiencing a change of thought about gender roles, marriage patterns are changing rapidly. Anthropologists argue that this reason as well as the increased involvement of women in the workforce is also affecting marriage trends around the world.
People are questioning traditionalist views in all sorts of populations around the world where marriage has always been based around gender roles. As views and opinions are changing, marriage patterns are also changing,
a. near the bottom
Voter turnouts refers to the number of eligible voters who actually votes during election. Out of 32 Industrialized nations, United States ranked 26th in terms of voter turnout's number.
On average , United States only have around 55% of voter turnouts. For comparison, UK has the average of 76% voter turnout and Germany has around 83% voter turnout.
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to learn about the struggles and triumphs of slaves.
Freedom is more than material gains.
Harriet Tubman was known to be an American abolitionist and political activist. She was known to be born into slavery, but was later able to escape slavery, and subsequently led hundreds of enslaved people to freedom.
It was made known that she was able to escape slavery in 1849 due to the death of her owner. And fled to Philadelphia from Maryland, where she was enslaved, after her escape.
The total number of slaves that Harriet Tubman was able to help to escape were 300.
In sense, she discovered that, to be free is very important and should never be compared with material gains. This means that , material things can only be acquired when you are not enslaved.