DNA Helicases
, Topoisomerases
, Single-Stranded Binding Protein (SSBP), DNA primase
, DNA polymerases and DNA Ligase
DNA replication occurs continuosly in leading strand and discontinuosly in lagging strand and this strand is known as okazaki fragment.
List of six different enzyme
i) DNA Helicases: it unwind the strands of Double stranded DNA;
ii) Topoisomerase: which removes coils in the DNA;
iii) Single-Stranded Binding Protein (SSBP): prevents rebinding of DNA strands until replication.
iv) DNA primase: which synthesizes short RNA sequences called primers, that are required for the initiation of replication.
v) DNA polymerase: which actually replicate DNA and also have proof reading activity.
vi) DNA Ligase: which joins the okazaki fragments after the removal of primers.