Yes, there is the presence of a threat.
This threat is known as instrumentation. There is an Instrumentation threat when changes are made in the instrument, or the changes are made in the researcher, or the scorer when the research is being carried out.
In this question, mrs smith is the one who is the researcher, the program of reinforcement can be called the instrument. She made errors during the first few week but started getting it right in the second week. So there is a slight change in these two weeks. Causing instrumentation threat to how valid the program is.
B. The second most abundant ingredient by weight.
The ingredients written in the ingredient label are written in ascending order of abundance present in that product.All the quantities written on the ingredient label are measured by weight.
So if the olive oil is written on the second number it means that the olive oil is the second most abundant ingredient in that product by weight.
overcome functional fixedness
Monique routinely uses a shredder to shred her junk-mail into confetti-sized pieces of paper, which she then just throws away. When packing her glassware to move into a new apartment, she runs out of protective styrofoam packing material. Suddenly Monique gets the idea to empty her shredder and use the shredded junk mail confetti for packing material. In this case, Monique has <u>overcome functional fixedness</u>. Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that makes people limit the use of a thing or object to the traditional use for which it was made.
Monique was fixed on using the shredder for the traditional purpose for which it was made and throwing away the junk mails, which is for shredding junk mails. However, her decision to deviate from the traditional usage of the shredder and instead using the shredded papers for packing shows that she has overcome functional fixedness with regards to the use of a shredder.
The Daughters of Liberty were a group of women in 1765 who joined together to protest the Stamp Act and other policies that deterred independence from the British Parliament.