Heritability is important for natural and artificial selection because a trait must be heritable for them to take place. ... Variations that exist in every population are the basis for natural selection. The differences in organisms come from different genetic material.
Earth’s global temperature has changed greatly in the past hundreds of years. This is due to how much energy the planet is receiving from the sun and how it radiates back. Another cause is humans, due to deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, pollution, etc.
A travel time graph can be used to find the distance of any earthquake epicenter.
A travel time graph is a graph of the time, usually P or S waves that is taken at various points as a function of distance from the epicenter of an earthquake seismic source. Information about the earth’s interior is obtained using the velocity of seismic waves through various substances.
The replication of chromosomes by eukaryotes occurs in a relatively short period of time because each chromosome contains multiple replicons. Prokaryotic such as bacteria often contain only one chromosome with one origin at which two replication forks assemble and move in opposite directions.