The answers, respectively, are:
resting potential; action potential.
In autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, people produce antibodies that stick to their body's own proteins and attack healthy cells.
The pit that marks the location of the umbilical cord after birth is known as the navel or belly button. All animals that grow placenta during fetal development will have a navel or belly button. The scientific name of the structure is the umbillicus. It can be a depression in some individuals or raised in others.
Transitional fossils show how a particular taxa accumulated adaptations to fit particular environments and/or ecological niches
Transitional fossils are fossilized remains of taxonomic groups/species that illustrate an evolutionary transition between a known version of a taxa/species and the current taxa/species. Transitional fossils are fundamental because they can be clearly differentiated from the ancestral group as well as of its derived descendant group. For example, there exist transitional fossils known as "mammal-like reptiles"(i.e., therapsids that gave rise to the true mammals), which are clearly different from current mammals.