b) estrutura que se desenvolveu do ovário e contém o embrião e reserva de alimento.
As sementes são formadas quando o pólen do estame se funde com os óvulos do carpelo. Existem duas porções de semente i. e. uma é a parte viva conhecida como embrião, enquanto a outra é a parte não viva conhecida como endosperma. O embrião é a planta bebê, enquanto o endosperma é o alimento armazenado de que a planta bebê necessita para seu crescimento e desenvolvimento no processo de germinaçã
The DNA of any individual possesses genetic traits which vary from individual to individual. Traits can be physical traits or behavioral traits.
Example of a physical trait would be the appearance of an individual and behavioral trait refers to the nature of the individual. Both vary from individual to individual.
Answer: Energy and nutrients are passed around through the food chain, when one organism eats another organism. Any energy remaining in a dead organism is consumed by decomposers.
To be honest, Niklesh, I hold a firm doubt that somebody will want to do this work for you unless they have been assigned it–especially since social media is so prevalent today.
If you disagree with the assignment and can veer off a little, I'd suggest writing a conversation about how responsible use of social media benefits teenagers and helps connect the world.
a few good points for this would be:
• Networking with people in higher places is especially important for entrepreneurship and job searching (SEE: LinkedIn)
• Social media helps bring people with similar interests from across the globe together
• Social media allows people to communicate experiences, events, and just communicate when physical interaction is difficult to attain